Heritage, Creative and Cultural Industries and Tourism Services

Since its foundation, ADPM tries to mediate the dialogue between history and the future, forwarding an innovative and integrated local development model. For this reason, its activities’ implementation aim not only to enhance local heritage, memories and know-how but also new ways of valuing, preserving and reinterpreting them, embodying new ideas and creative perspectives on top or related with inherent themes.

In this sense, some activities stand out:

  • Study, inventory, protection and promotion of cultural heritage;
  • Thematic or general meetings set up for knowledge and experiences sharing;
  • Events organization and promotion (ADPM has a wide experience in fairs, thematic events, shows and exhibitions production);
  • Information and diffusion contents set up (including websites, leaflets and brochures, manuals, electronic platforms, videos, touristic roadmaps and guides, visitors support mobile applications, etc.);
  • Leisure and touristic activities support, enhancing the territories’ endogenous resources.

For further information, contact: desenvolve@adpm.pt